Meet the team

The humans behind the magic

Connections run through our DNA. We’ll burn the midnight oil chasing that perfect word combo, fine tuning our multilingual glossaries, and working through complex conference agendas because we know that going the extra mile makes all the difference. Thriving businesses, cohesive teams, successful projects, and agreements getting signed are the end goal.

We’re a small and mighty team that’s big on culture, ambition, and collaboration. Working hard behind the scenes, we’re quick on our feet, so that you can shine.

Luz: headshot of Spanish and English conference interpreter, Luz, with a garden in the background

Luz Teresa

Founding partner and interpreter

A savvy multi-linguist, intrepid explorer, and global entrepreneur whose unrivaled cultural knowledge and renowned industry style elevates any setting. Adept at spearheading large-scale complex projects, this linguistic pro is a force to be entrusted with.

environment | international relations | human rights
environment | international relations | human rights
Alex: headshot of English and Spanish conference interpreter and legal translator, Alex, with a bookshelf in the background


Interpreter and official legal translator

With four languages on standby and an unbeatable attitude, Alex is an invaluable member of international missions.

law | finance | business
Álvaro: headshot of AV lead for multilingual events, Alvaro


AV lead

Constantly innovating, testing, and pushing the limits to find ways for technology to support you when you need it the most.


Interpreter, eco-journalist, and filmmaker

Overflowing with creative zest to infuse into your project, and outstanding vocabulary to match.

agriculture | sustainability | the arts
Aurora: headshot of English and Spanish interpreter and filmmaker, Aurora, wearing a cap


Translator and editor

Passionate about perfection, she puts her heart and talents into every project, as if they were her own.

tourism | education |
social development
Caitlin: headshot of Spanish to English translator, Caitlin, in interpretingCO’s office
Eduardo: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter and official translator, Eduardo, with a painting in the background


Interpreter and official translator

The most demanding technical events are a breeze when he’s behind the mic. This is a man you want on board for your specialized projects.

medicine | engineering | tech
Elaine: headshot of Portuguese and Spanish conference interpreter and translator, Elaine


Interpreter and translator

Brazil in the house and the sweetest voice in your ear. A genius for conveying speaker intent and emotions.

journalism | public policy | education


Editor and translator

The devil is in the details and this Colombia-based US import knows it. Millions of words translated and an impeccable track record to boot.

finance | tourism | international relations
Emily: headshot of Spanish to English translator, Emily



Think of him as THE technician for all the big-name events. He's on the A-list of production.

Gerardo: headshot of AV technician, Gerardo, with a garden in the background
Giampaolo: headshot of English, Spanish, French, and Italian conference interpreter and official translator, Giampaolo


Interpreter and official translator

Impressive language skills in English, Spanish, Italian, and French. This polyglot makes simultaneous interpretation sound like voice-over—he’s just that good.

culture | third sector | international relations
Giselle: headshot of language service provider accountant, Giselle, in interpretingCO’s office



If everything seems in order, it’s because there’s a detail-oriented, efficient, wonder woman holding fort.


Interpreter, NAATI translator, and editor

A standout smooth (voice) operator with impeccable language skills and a true team player. Just wait till you see her world-famous glossaries put into action at your next event.

insurance | law | international development
Jarrah: headshot of Spanish to English conference interpreter and NAATI translator, Jarrah, with a building in the background


Senior language project manager

Agility, resolve, commitment–and 1000s of events and projects under her belt. With Jennifer by your side, you’re unstoppable.

Jennifer: headshot of senior language project manager, Jennifer, in interpretingCO’s office
headshot of systems engineer for online meetings, Jonathan


Systems engineer

1000s of attendees and a dozen multilingual speakers are a breeze for him. He’ll manage your event’s tech and interpreters like a tight ship.

Jorge: headshot of English to Spanish editor, conference interpreter, and translator, Jorge, with a brick wall background


Editor, translator, and interpreter

Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Catalan, and coding! 30+ years of editorial experience to feast on.

communication | tech |
third sector

Juan Camilo

Language strategy consultant

With 10+ years sharpening high-quality events around the country, he’ll make your dreams a reality.

Juan Camilo: headshot of language strategy consultant, Juan Camilo

Lina A

Interpreter and voice-over artist

Charismatic, energetic, and always willing to go the extra mile, this world-class interpreter will sweeten your project with her dulcet tones and impeccable performance.

oil and gas | marketing | finance
Lina A: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter and voice-over artist, Lina
Lina R: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter and official translator, Lina, with a curtain in the background

Lina R

Interpreter and official translator

Efficiency meets empathy and this comes through in her research and rendition. In this new world of RSI and hybrid events, her progressive tech skills keep her ahead of the pack.

peacebuilding | culture | renewable energy
Nancy: headshot of language project manager, Nancy, in interpretingCO’s office


Language project manager

Files and complex flowcharts don’t faze our organizer extraordinaire. She’s a stickler for order, super fast delivery times, and making it look effortless. We don’t know how she does it!

María Inés

Interpreter and official translator

This trilingual interpreter with global conference interpretation experience never fails to impress with her linguistic skills and made-for-the-radio voice.

law | human rights | agriculture
María Inés: headshot of Portuguese, English, and Spanish conference interpreter and official translator, María Inés, on a sofa



Proactive, flexible, and quick on her feet, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without her expressive inflections by your side.

medicine | engineering | tech
Martha: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter, Martha, with a plant in the background
Santiago: headshot of Colombian Sign Language and Spanish conference interpreter, Santiago


Sign language interpreter

The 1st WFD-WASLI accredited interpreter in Latin America for Spanish<>International Sign. His expressions alone speak a thousand words and his presence exudes effortless excellence.

tech | higher education | public sector
Sonia: headshot of French, English, and Spanish conference interpreter, Sonia


Interpreter and translator

A Renaissance master of multiple languages–and a PhD! You’ll be blown away by her linguistic agility and applied academic research skills.

molecular biology | biodiversity |
forensic science
Luz: headshot of Spanish and English conference interpreter, Luz, with a garden in the background
Luz Teresa
Founder and interpreter
A savvy multi-linguist, intrepid explorer, and global entrepreneur who’s unrivaled cultural knowledge and renowned industry style elevates any setting. Adept at spearheading large-scale complex projects, this linguistic pro is a force to be entrusted with.
environment | human rights |
international relations
Alex: headshot of English and Spanish conference interpreter and legal translator, Alex, with a bookshelf in the background
Interpreter and official legal translator

With four languages on standby and an unbeatable attitude, Alex is an invaluable member of international missions.

law | finance |
Álvaro: headshot of AV lead for multilingual events, Alvaro
AV lead

Constantly innovating, testing, and pushing the limits to find ways for technology to support you when you need it the most.

Aurora: headshot of English and Spanish interpreter and filmmaker, Aurora, wearing a cap
Interpreter, eco-journalist, and filmmaker

Overflowing with creative zest to infuse into your project, and outstanding vocabulary to match.

agriculture | sustainability |
the arts
Caitlin: headshot of Spanish to English translator, Caitlin, in interpretingCO’s office
Translator and editor

Passionate about perfection, she puts her heart and talents into every project, as if they were her own.

tourism | education |
social development
Eduardo: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter and official translator, Eduardo, with a painting in the background
Interpreter and official translator

The most demanding technical events are a breeze when he’s behind the mic. This is a man you want on board for your specialized projects.

medicine | engineering |
Elaine: headshot of Portuguese and Spanish conference interpreter and translator, Elaine
Interpreter and translator

Brazil in the house and the sweetest voice in your ear. A genius for conveying speaker intent and emotions.

journalism | public policy |
Emily: headshot of Spanish to English translator, Emily
Editor and translator

The devil is in the details and this Colombia-based US import knows it. Millions of words translated and an impeccable track record to boot.

finance | tourism |
international relations
Gerardo: headshot of AV technician, Gerardo, with a garden in the background

Think of him as THE technician for all the big-name events. He's on the A-list of production.

Giampaolo: headshot of English, Spanish, French, and Italian conference interpreter and official translator, Giampaolo
Interpreter and official translator

Impressive language skills in English, Spanish, Italian, and French. This polyglot makes simultaneous interpretation sound like voice-over—he’s just that good.

culture | third sector |
international relations
Giselle: headshot of language service provider accountant, Giselle, in interpretingCO’s office

If everything seems in order, it’s because there’s a detail-oriented, efficient, wonder woman holding fort.

Jarrah: headshot of Spanish to English conference interpreter and NAATI translator, Jarrah, with a building in the background
Interpreter, NAATI translator, and editor

A standout smooth (voice) operator with impeccable language skills and a true team player. Just wait till you see her world-famous glossaries put into action at your next event.

insurance | law | international development
Jennifer: headshot of senior language project manager, Jennifer, in interpretingCO’s office
Senior language project manager
Agility, resolve, commitment–and 1000s of events and projects under her belt. With Jennifer by your side, you’re unstoppable.
headshot of systems engineer for online meetings, Jonathan
Systems engineer
1000s of attendees and a dozen multilingual speakers are a breeze for him. He’ll manage your event’s tech and interpreters like a tight ship.
Jorge: headshot of English to Spanish editor, conference interpreter, and translator, Jorge, with a brick wall background
Editor, translator, and interpreter

Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Catalan, and coding! 30+ years of editorial experience to feast on.

communication | tech |
third sector
Juan Camilo: headshot of language strategy consultant, Juan Camilo
Juan Camilo
Language strategy consultant

With 10+ years sharpening high-quality events around the country, he’ll make your dreams a reality.

Lina A: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter and voice-over artist, Lina
Lina A
Interpreter and voice-over artist

Charismatic, energetic, and always willing to go the extra mile, this world-class interpreter will sweeten your project with her dulcet tones and impeccable performance.

oil and gas | marketing |
Lina R: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter and official translator, Lina, with a curtain in the background
Lina R
Interpreter and official translator

Efficiency meets empathy and this comes through in her research and rendition. In this new world of RSI and hybrid events, her progressive tech skills keep her ahead of the pack.

peacebuilding | culture |
renewable energy
Nancy: headshot of language project manager, Nancy, in interpretingCO’s office
Language project manager

Files and complex flowcharts don’t faze our organizer extraordinaire. She’s a stickler for order, super fast delivery times, and making it look effortless. We don’t know how she does it!

María Inés: headshot of Portuguese, English, and Spanish conference interpreter and official translator, María Inés, on a sofa
María Inés
Interpreter and official translator

This trilingual interpreter with global conference interpretation experience never fails to impress with her linguistic skills and made-for-the-radio voice.

law | human rights |
Martha: headshot of English to Spanish conference interpreter, Martha, with a plant in the background

Proactive, flexible, and quick on her feet, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without her expressive inflections by your side.

medicine | engineering |
Santiago: headshot of Colombian Sign Language and Spanish conference interpreter, Santiago
Sign language interpreter
The 1st WFD-WASLI accredited interpreter in Latin America for Spanish<>International Sign. His expressions alone speak a thousand words and his presence exudes effortless excellence.
tech | higher education |
public sector
Sonia: headshot of French, English, and Spanish conference interpreter, Sonia
Interpreter and translator

A Renaissance master of multiple languages–and a PhD! You’ll be blown away by her linguistic agility and applied academic research skills.

molecular biology | biodiversity |
forensic science

This is only a sample of the 100+ collaborators who make up our team.

We make it a point to match your project needs to the most suited linguist.